Saturday 30 November 2013


Marijuana is the most used illegal drug in the world. It is a dry mix of flowers, stems, and leaves of the plant Cannabis Sativa. Marijuana is usually smoked in cigarette rolling papers, cigar papers pipes and water pipes. People also use it in food and even to brew tea. Marijuana has a chemical called THC. When smoked the THC passes from the lungs to the bloodstream, which is then entered in the brain and other organs. When THC arrives at the brain, it start to take over some nerve cells that affect; coordination, memory, concentration, sensory and time perception, pleasure and even how you think. This cause people to be “high” on marijuana.
Whoever smokes Marijuana can experience short-term effects such as; start to think in a slower pace and has trouble solving simple problems. While on the effect the stuff you did at that time you could forget them but only for a short-term. Your body will become relaxed and you won`t coordinate yourself properly and you can even misunderstand people when they talk to you. Marijuana does not have a long term effect such as other drugs but it can still harm the brain and some vital organs. I hope this Blog helps to stop drug use all around the world.

Friday 29 November 2013

Cigarette Smoking

Cigarette smoking is common around all of the world. Cigarettes have a lot of toxins in them and are very harmful to the body. Every person has their own reason why they started smoking. It could be because of stress or peer-pressure trough friends. Information shows that people start smoking before the age of 18. Once you start smoking, it is hard to stop since tobacco contains nicotine, which is addictive. From when you start smoking nicotine is inserted to your body and after a few weeks smoking a cigarette is to help a person feel normal. Most people that started smoking in their teens never thought that they would become so addicted to cigarettes.

I smoke cigarettes and I feel like I cannot stop quickly. I mean I would like to stop smoking but it is habit that is not easy to break. Nowadays there are electronic cigarettes and even nicotine patches to cut down on cigarettes. These are types of methods to stop smoking, but since it is a type of legal drug it is not as easy as it seems since there are a lot of people smoking around you. The moral of the story is that do not try to touch a cigarette because once you start it is difficult to stop.


Thursday 28 November 2013


Here we are going to talk about the most common drugs used around the world. One of the most legal drug used is alcohol. Alcohol has been used for centuries and so has been one of the most abused legal drug there is. Alcohol, used moderately, is good for your health; on the other hand people abuse this type of drug and use it to stop being shy to talk to people or even as a stimulant for the body to relief stress. Nowadays alcohol is being published in advertisements and media images to show people that with alcohol you can enjoy life more. However some people misunderstand the messages and so don`t help students make responsible decision about alcohol use.

 Alcohol (in Malta) can be bought by people who are of age 17 or older, therefore some people go to clubs just to drink alcohol and to be more confident to talk to other people. Alcohol can be used as medical help as well. For example; surgical spirit is a type of alcohol used in hospital to heal any damages done to the body externally. I hope this helps people too see how alcohol is one of the most misused legal drug around the world and try to be more safe on how using alcohol.